Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Random screams of excitement

Not a day goes by that Shayley and Reece don't talk about their new brother and sister, it's pretty darn cute. Sometimes Shayley will randomly let out a joyful scream and it's usually followed by her saying "Mommy, I'm soooo excited!". And Reece has been thinking about his little brother too. For example, the other day we were shopping and he went over and picked up a spiderman coloring book and asked "can we buy this for Jonathon"? So sweet. Lately we've also been making preparations for our little ones who will be coming home this summer, yeah!! That means, I'm basically getting our 1100 sq.ft (can you say small?) house ready for 2 more little bodies and THAT in itself has been, umm, fun? It is amazing however to realize how many things you can really just live without (including toys, clothes, stuffed animals, magazines you've never read, more toys...). I will have to admit that on more than one occasion I have had to sneak stuff out of my kids rooms and hide it in the trash or the give-away sack - please, can anyone else relate?!? My kids are not dumb... they're starting to dig through the trashes to see what I've tossed, I'm not kidding. On a more happy note, it was fun to see the crib go up again, and Reece likes to jump in it and pretend he's the baby. Shayley has also written Santa a note that is taped to her door that reads, and I quote, "Dear Santa, may you please (on Christmas) get Addy the A*G doll for my sister, a girl we adopted. But please don't tell her. Love, Shayley." A*G for those of you wondering means American Girl, c'mon get with the program ok. Could that not be more precious? It's only May and she's writing a letter to Santa!! Well, I think my point has been proven. My kids are well into the excitement of bringing home their new brother and sister. I have to say that it is refreshing for me to be around their enthusiasm as most days I'm caught up with the adoption 'process' of checking on where my birth certificate is or calling the dr. to schedule more vaccinations, ouch. Thank you kiddos for the sweet daily reminders of why we're doing all of this, keep up those screams of joy!!

1 comment:

  1. Our house is small too so I have been doing the same thing. It is time to get extremely organized!


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