Saturday, June 20, 2009

I'm leeeeeavin' on a jet plane!

A 747 to be exact. Yes, I'm off to the beautiful country of Ghana, tomorrow evening!! By some miracle the Embassy in Accra replied to my email 2 days after my request for an I600 appointment to be scheduled on June 23rd. I could not have been happier when I saw the email in my 'In' box. Were my eyes fooling me?? No, they weren't, and the icing on the cake was that they gave me the appointment on the date I requested. Thank You Lord!! Prior to yesterday when I rec'd their email reply, I was convinced that I was probably not going to Ghana very soon, especially after what I had heard from other moms in the same situation as I found myself currently in. So I had stopped packing, put away the papers, and 'hung up the phone' so-to-speak...while trying to find some kind of peace in the scripture verse that says (on my previous blog post), Be still and know that I am God, Psalm 46:10. So here I am, the afternoon before I leave, knee-deep in packing, shuffling around all the documents (and more documents) to take, charging all the batteries(video, phone, camera), and checking and re-checking my baggage weight so I don't go over 51 lbs(can you say crazy-making??). And that's only part of the fun, ha. I did receive some exciting news today from our friend Jeanie who is in Ghana right now also in the process of bringing her little girl home. She emailed me to tell us that they visited the foster home that our kids are staying at right now (transition home for kids being adopted) and that they were SO happy to get our notes we wrote to them. She also sent pictures so I wanted to share this one with you, proud mama that I am. They are just precious and I am so anticipating when I can finally hug them and tell them that I love them in person. Well, I've got much to do before I leave so time to go. I will do my best to keep you updated here on how things are going in Ghana. So stay tuned... ciao!

1 comment:

  1. If I had more than two, I would do a lot of thumbs up to this!!! Soo excited for you!!!
    M :)


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